Elizabeth Zeller
Sculptor & Art Consultant
Award-winning with works in galleries, private and corporate collections and churches in the USA, Europe and Israel.
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Elizabeth Zeller
Elizabeth was born and educated in Europe. After schooling, Elizabeth traveled to several countries, learning various form of art, art history and architecture in modern to ancient style. These experiences gave her an open mind and open heart for the greatness, beauty and destiny of life. She studied art, art restoration, gilding and bookbinding in Italy, Germany, Israel and the USA. Elizabeth's extensive studies and travels as well as her interest and curiosity continuously inspire her artwork. With a broad variety of mediums, she can express herself in a highly distinct and expressive way through her deep understanding of life and nature.
Elizabeth has become well known for her works, sculpture and painting and received many awards.
Elizabeth represents the European Organization of Sacred Art, Vienna, Austria.
A sculpture created by Elizabeth was placed in a permanent collection at the Chinese-US Sculpture Garden Achievement Exhibition in Guangdong Museum of China in December 2012. A monumental copy of that sculpture was installed in the Sculpture Park "Peace and Friendship" in Nanhai, China.
As elected President, Elizabeth served the Greater Kansas City Art Association, after being appointed to Vice-President.
Elizabeth also founded the Contemporary Religious Arts Association in Kansas City, Kansas. As director of CRAA Elizabeth is currently organizing national and international juried art shows.
Since 2011 Elizabeth is a recognized member of Marquis "Who's Who in America", an invited member by Museum of Women Artists of America, Oil Painters of America, Member of International American Pastel Society and Mid America Pastel Society, as well as a member and President of the Contemporary Religious Arts Association.
Artist Statement
I just love to do sculptures. Bronze is one of the most beautiful materials with which the beauty of a sculpture can be expressed.
The sculpture "American Pioneers" shows a young mother reading to her child. The intimate relationship and the curiosity of a child inspired me. Children can express joy and excitement so spontaneously. With curious eyes, kids look at the world.
The sculpture "Final Battle" captured a moment of dynamic and stillness, a moment where all seems possible, a beauty that can span eternity, the motion of wind as life giving moment, a powerful, spiritual energy combined with grace and sovereignty, a fight of opposite lives and energy.
Monumental Sculptures
- Nanhai International Sculpture Park, China "Story", 7'
- Lenexa, USA, "Final Battle", Bald Eagle's Fight with a Timber Rattlesnake, 15' x 7.5' x 7.5'
- Kansas City, USA, "American Pioneers", 6'
- Independence, USA, "Face the Storm", Bison walking into the Storm, 16' x 6.5' x 4'
Exhibitions and Studios
Guangdong Museum, Guangzhou, China, museums, galleries, private and corporate collections in USA, Austria, Hungary, Germany, Israel and China. One artist show at Albrecht Kemper Museum, St. Joseph, Missouri. Elizabeth works in her studios in the USA and Germany.
Chinese - US Sculpture Garden Achievement Exhibition in Guangdong Museum of China in December 2012